About The IP Basics Blog

In the information age, intellectual property is the fuel that powers the great economies and businesses of the world.  Never before has intellectual property been as important to businesses as it is today.  This is as true for startups as it is for large corporations.

Yet, in our experience as patent and trademark attorneys, entrepreneurs are often ill-informed about intellectual property, its value, and how to protect it from those who would steal or copy some of their most valuable business assets.  This blog is dedicated to helping young businesses and startup professionals understand some of the basics of intellectual property.  It is our hope that by explaining the basics of intellectual property, the information we routinely provide to new clients, we will help startup executives build their business, because startups are essential to the future of our economy.

This blog is organized into short pieces with descriptive titles so that readers can select topics of most interest to them.  Also, for those with limited reading time, links to audio versions of each topic are provided.

The authors of these blog articles are fascinated by intellectual property.  We hope that some of our enthusiasm will further your business endeavors.